Monday, May 30, 2011


lama tak update.. omg i got so many stories to share with all...

next week insyaAllah i will update this blog :)

will dedicate my whole 2 days merepeking about everything.. starting from when i was cleared for my first solo flight until *ehem ehem* being officially a pilot

officially a pilot.. as in.. already having completed my flight test and getting my Private Pilot Licence (PPL)

heeeeeee cant wait...

rent a plane and i can pilot the aircraft for you :) we go jalan2 makan angin

take care love

Friday, April 8, 2011

Total Mess

Home sweet home,

How I missed everyone back here in Taman Tun.

After all I've been through since having been transfered to Kuala Terengganu, swearing every single day all the time because not being able to fly but all my other batch mates who got left behind in Kota Bharu are flying on daily basis -____- a few days off just to release the tension is highly welcomed.

So RVK promised us, telling us it will be faster flying here in KT than in KB. But in truth, he simply wanted us to leave the crew residence in order to make some empty rooms for the new batch coming in on the 17th. Kire kene campak la tanpa rela.

EVERYBODY knows that cadets are flying everyday in KB. We, batch 30 is one of the most senior batch currently in KB, getting sorties every single day, so why do you tell us is going to be faster if we are to transfer to KT? You think we are stupid? No sir. We are not stupid like you sir.

YES. It will be fast if we have finished our PPL and come to KT.

From being a senior batch in KB, now we're the most junior batch in KT having to compete with all the seniors, who is having the highest priority than us juniors. Back to where we start again. Haihhs.

And why do you have to lie to my penghulu, telling him that we should be getting our allowance last monday, when the truth is we 'will' be getting it at least after 2 weeks, the money we had paid in our fees. So basically we have to use our own money first when actually have paid for it. By right, it should our money!

I dont really mind using my money first, knowing it will be refunded. But why do you have to lie in the first place?

Really really disappointed with you, pakcik misai.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Im sorry

First of all,

I am sorry for not updating for days now.

Having some minor problems internally and externally with emotions, feelings, individuals and all kinda stuff.

I promise that later everything will be as per normal :)

Whatever that Ive left out these few days will be restored :p

And I thank you all for the support and to those who keeps on reminding me to update the blog.

I am sorry again.......

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sad Sad Moment

Few hours ago, I had a bomb shell dropped upon me.

News that half of my batch is going to transfer to the Kuala Terengganu detachment is true. Captain RVK, the Flight Management Officer of APFT confirmed that we need to pack our bags, empty and clean our room then leave for Terengganu as early as Saturday 2nd of April! That’s 2 days away from today.

After a year and 3 months I’ve been living with all my friends here they have asked us to move away and until we finish our single engine there, we are not allowed to come back to Kota Bharu.

I wouldn’t mind moving away because everybody been saying that in Terengganu, flying progression is much more faster than here in KB but in 2 days? Cant you give us at least more time? Maybe a week or something? What’s the need to rush things? Its not like the weather here(and there) is soooo great that we should be able to fly straight away once we’re there.

I will no more have the luxury to eat heavenly as in Terengganu, all cadets are given allowances(sikit giler ok) per month and survive ourselves.

And today will be the last day for me to really enjoy my dinner, which I really enjoyed eating with half tears sliding down my cheek(emo giler… padahal air hujan tu hahaha). Why? The menus here are different for each day, at least once a week.

Can you see that many choices of Ayam???? :(
Along with fresh fresh vege :(
The end product. Ahhh I will surely truly miss my moment here. No more nasi ayam after this :((

Sad sad sad.

Whats For Lunch?


Im out of words, these few days our food have been magnificent. Credit to Shah, our chef, to be able to prepare some nice dishes for us cadets.

Abang Shah with our National Football Team Goalkeeper. Jangan main main tau. Bukan senang nk dapat bergamba ngan celebrity =>

So whats lunch for today? Tadaaaaaaa

I dont know what they call this one. So I call it udang masak sedap :p

And another ...

Again, I dont know what they call this. So I call it sotong masak sangat sedap :p

Haih, kalau la tiap2 hari dapat makan macam ni. Confirm la badan naik mencanak! Hahaha dah la aku ni jenis malas nk pegi berjogging untuk kecikkan perut aku yg sangat membesar ni. Berselera you.

Anyway, credit for all those whos involved in preparing such nice meal for us! Keep it up!

Good Breakfast


The days that all the cadets been waiting for.

We get to eat good breakfast. I mean really good. A typical hotel's breakfast :D

Steamed and cooked sausage, baked beans, few slice of bread, hot chili sauce and some pepper. Ahhh adalah sangat setappppp

No? Just ordinary? Memang la, but for the cadets here, it is like a super breakfast, after having to endure pitiful breakfast every single morning.

Can you see that?



Roti canai on friday is even better. Just that on the day we dont have school so its rather hard to enjoy the meal unless you went whole night without sleeping haha.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Earth Is Crying

Cuaca oh cuaca...

What can I say, very very bad weather. Supposedly skarang ni Kelantan panas panas dan sangat panas, tapi apa yg berlaku sekarang ni cam terbalik pulak. Sejuk sejuk dan sangat sejuk. Dah la tiap tiap hari hujan. Awan berkepul kepul yang sangat rendah.Haihh. Not a good day to fly. Just dont start to flood ok. It will hinder our progression more :(

Sememangnya bumi kita yang tercinta ni sudah terkilan kerana penghuninya sudah tidak menghiraukannya lagi. We have only ourselves to blame for this sick weather.

Come on Iyliaez and Trevor do your rain dance!

In Training Part 1

So wondering what are we doing actually in school? Different school offer different ‘excitement’ so me being in this school I can only tell you what I experience here so far. Some information sadly I cant share it out, under the company’s policy and some information you have to experience it yourself to feel it. It means that whatever I can tell here maybe different from other cadets because different people view things differently.

Starting late 2009, most of the schools around Malaysia had changed their old syllabus(Civil Aviation Authority CAA) to the new(Joint Aviation Authority JAA) syllabus. I don’t quite understand about CAA since I don’t have the privilege to sit for CAA but then if you want to know anything and everything about JAA I’d be more than happy to assist you.

We started off the first 3 weeks studying for our in-house Private Pilot License(PPL) examination. It’s the first stage of becoming an airline pilot. Bear with me as I will lay out everything about the flow that you have to endure if you are to become an airline pilot. All new cadets will be sitting for 9 subjects and the result will be sent to the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia(DCA). The subjects are

Airlaw – Malaysian Airspace Law and Restrictions.
Radio-Telephony – Learn everything about the radio calls and the procedures.
Engines – Basic piston engines.
Electrics – Basic electrics.
Airframes – Basic airframes of single engine airplanes.
Meteorology – All about the weather of the world.
Principle of Flight – To fly you need to know the basic principle behind it.
Human Performance and Limitation – Your own performance and limitations during flight.
Instrumentation – Well, you need to know your instrument to fly visually or instrumentally.

For this particular examination, you will be tested on just the basics. From my point of view, these was as easy as kindergarten level if I were to compare it to the later phases. So if you struggle here, trust me you will surely struggle for the later.

But theres more to it than it meets the eye. Being a cadet in a highly rated school, we don’t just sit and study without having to do other things. When I first entered here, this school, APFT, is kinda adopting a semi-military standard, having said this, you should know what difference it should hold comparing to other, more lenient school. We have to parade twice a week. Respect the seniors of all age. Follow the rules(strictly or face the consequences). No going out freely from our crew residence. No cars is allowed . No that no this much much more. Now almost everything is in the past. The school board decided that by adopting this semi-military school is not healthy for business therefore they decided to abolish some crazy, out of the mind ruling. Some rule stays but I can say that mostly all has gone down the drain.

I am actually quite sad over this matter because it’s the only thing that separates our school from the other schools. Airlines will look on us with high regard thinking that will all these rules, APFT students will be on a different level. Oh well, I am not the chairman and I believe he, above all must know what he is doing so I cant complain but to live with it. After all, we’re in Kelantan and what can we do here for entertainment? Almost none! So the best option for us is to suffer for 2 years, studying and keep studying and graduate among the top! The competition is getting tougher by day as more pilots are graduating and I welcome any rules that the school impose for the better of their cadets.

Back to the flow. We have to wake up everyday at 0530 so we could catch the first bus. We are living in a place called the crew residence, about 15 minutes away from the APFT Ground School located just around the airport. Our classes are being scheduled everyday from Sunday to Thursday starting at 0715 to 1545. Oh yes we cant simply miss the bus or else we will surely miss the first class and trust me you don’t want to give a reason saying, ”oh I missed the first bus because I woke up late”. You will get screwed with your instructor and its not nice at this stage to build a bad reputation among the instructors. After all, they will be the one who the airlines going to call and ask for enquiries, your behavior, how disciplined are you and god knows what more.

Oh yes to be continued….. hihihihi

APFT Batch 30/09

So here I am in Asia Pacific Flight Training, as a cadet pursuing an Airline Transport Pilot License(ATPL) along with my other 13 wonderful batch mates. They are

1. Patrick (our wonderful penghulu)
2. Jeb
3. Ayen
4. Zuhri
5. Armand
6. Adib
7. Vincent
8. Kamalesh
9. Arash
10. Trevor
11. Iyliaez
12. Ruben
13. Qamarul

We come all from different background but we do have one thing in-common. We are Batch30 and we are the best!

During our first few months here, yes we have some problems internally but I think our bonds now are much more stronger. I am glad that we are all able to live and work together to bring out the best in ourselves. Let us all graduate together and then later work together and hopefully this batch30 will always be together, if not outside but in the inside of our hearts.

Kudos to all. I love you guys.

A Glimpse About Aviation

Im going to jump to where i am now so for those who dont know what is happening, stay tune because from 0 you will be fed on lots and lots of information about the aviation life[my life la] haha walaupun mostly i know it will be the merepek coz its so obvious I am not the nominated top gun so yeah :p

Today is the day. A year and 3 months exactly since the first day my batch, Batch 30/09 enrolled into this ‘wonderful’ school in Kelantan. Situated next to the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, Asia Pacific Flight Training has been in business for 6 years. Currently rated as the best flying school in Malaysia[reallllyyyyy?] Its one of the reason why I chose to be here rather than other flying schools because this school is not only a flying academy but its actually an aviation academy conducting not only flight training but also engineering courses and diploma in aviation management.

Im not going to talk much about my life here because simply I have nothing much to say about it. Almost everyday my time is allocated for studying and doing research about aviation world because theres so much to learn. We cant just ignore even the simplest matter since negligence can lead to misconduct and it can jeopardize our own performance, leading to unpleasant situations or the worst-case scenario, death.

Its not like you are driving a car where any problems encountered, you can simply park the car by the roadside and have it figured it out. What happens if you encounter problems at 20,000 feet?

So for those who think, “Ah flying is so damn easy, just put on auto pilot and this baby will simply fly on itself from take-off until touchdown”. Pilots then can have a cup of coffee and mess around with all the crew members throughout the whole phase of flight. Sorry, its not that simple, not even close. Even the most sophisticated aircraft suffers malfunctions and the pilot needs to be ready at any time should problems arise. Who builds this aircraft? Us humans and humans are prone to making mistakes but a pilot cant afford to make mistakes because we have families counting on us to bring their love ones back to them in one piece.

Even before we start the engines, theres numerous checks that needs to be completed by the engineers who will have to certify that the aircraft is safe to fly. The captain then needs to make sure that he feels the aircraft is safe to conduct the flight therefore the second wave of checks needs to be completed adhering to the standard operational procedures.

It is just a glimpse of what a pilot have to do but before we are able to call ourselves a pilot, we, as a cadet needs to be trained starting from the basic learning the principles of flight, airframes, engines, electrics and electronics, radio-telephony, meteorology, performance, operational procedures, navigation, anything and everything that has to do with flying. So before you normal people try to say flying is easy, please do open up your eyes,brains and think, why are we getting paid thousands of ringgit each month and have good benefits supporting our back. They just don’t come for free. A pilot’s job is actually the most stressful job in the world. Anything that comes with it is just a small bonus included in the package.

Mobile Service

Ok here is the thing about Hotlink. Since 2 weeks ago they have been simply taking away my credit for fun without the need to say anything at first. I know la Im using your service but that doesn’t mean that you can simply take without any explanation.

So when I want to get me the explanation, they will not give me the chance to even login to check my e-statement. Why?

The only required fields to be entered is only the “login” and “password” and they keep telling me to please fill in all the required fields. Macam la banyak sangat ko punye fields kan. Dah la website buruk nk mampus macam amek pengemis mana merayu suruh buatkan so dapat la baya murah.

I don’t know how many times Ive asked to reset my password and they still keep insisting that I should fill in all the required fields. Kalau tak nk kasi aku check e-statement tu cakap je la. I understand that hotlink is getting poorer so you need to steal all you can from us customers, even RM0.10. If 10,000 customers? 100,000 customers? Tak ke banyak tuh? Tu baru sekupang kalau dokupang? enamkupang?

Whenever I reload this hotlink, suddenly out of nowhere my credit will be deducted by at least, I mean it, at least RM0.20 and the best part is, in the morning every time after waking up I will check the credit and tadaaaaa credit balance RM0.00 - RM0.05 no matter of how much I reload the day before.

And yeah, they provide us with their customer service number where you can call 24/7 ON LANDLINES thru 1300 bla bla bla. If I call them using our mobile they will charge me and the last time I called that number, they put me on hold for so long until almost RM7 gone wasted without even having me to start the conversation.

You just wait. Once Im at home with my landline available. Im going to call and screw you until you finish your recording tape. Sorry for the feller who will answer the call. Who asked you to work as the customer services knowing how s**t your company is giving away services.

Bad bad politics

Before I continue further, let me just express some displeasure here about something. Im sure most of you have experienced the same thing as I do regarding the internet connectivity in Malaysia.


How many times have we already swore to ourselves, friends and the network provider about how they treat us with their ‘so-called’ unlimited bandwidth, unlimited connectivity, unlimited bla bla bla and all this s**t? Unlimited times I assumed[well in my case yes unlimited times]. Our network provider is cheating us, spitting on our faces as we speak, somewhere laughing about how they pocketed millions of ringgit by providing the citizen with almost nothing while they get away with almost everything.

Few months back I read some article about some politician claiming that, comparing their service with some other fifth-world countries, is still very CHEAP and is the BEST. Oh yeah? Why don’t you try comparing our service at least with the third-world countries or if you dare, with Japan, China or even America. Haaa tau tercirit haaaa.

I just don’t understand, their mobile service is already bad. Masuk la celah2 hutan sikit mula la no signal, tak payah pegi hutan pun just in places that holds no political interest to them, check the connection and see how will it respond. NONE. Yet, they claim is the best that they can do, or the best that they can provide. Haih, they think Malaysians nowadays got no brain to think? They think Malaysians nowadays is like Malaysians 100 years ago where everybody just sit, listen and blindly accept whatever that is being fed to them?

Mobile Services eh? Stay tuned. Im going to screw my mobile service after this. Got to run to the hangarrrrrrrrrrr for some briefing.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Why I want to be a pilot?

To me flying is something people need to have passion for. The greatest feeling of being a pilot as many captains would agree is the absolute freedom they feel. We have not lived our life until we have soared off into sunsets that normal people cant even begin to imagine. We get to maneuver the throttles, going fast, faster, fastest on the most sophisticated machine, zoom down runaways with only the future in the way, lift into the sky to play with the clouds, watch heaven's light dance, looking out of the window counting the stars in the blackest nights at 40,000 feet and seeing the lights of London, Paris and Amsterdam all at once. A pilot also gets paid well with very good benefit supporting them. I can have a stable, disciplined life along with the most prestigious career but on a basic level, flying is flying, and I simply love to do it as much as I can. I can’t think of a better job in the world having to come for finals and then take off again shortly after, seeking new experiences in the air.

Yet, the main satisfaction is to be able to serve people; to help them reconnect with their loved ones from around the world. With my knowledge and passion I could help them to arrive at their destination safely and on time. Although I am yet to be a pilot, the experience of witnessing happiness on peoples' faces at the airport when their loved ones are in their embrace or for some ,who are relieved knowing that they will be able to continue with their plans smoothly is simply priceless. I understood what that euphoria means and I would love to be a part of it.

The importance of being in love with one’s job cannot be underestimated. So many people unfortunately wind up in a job they don’t really enjoy. The dread of having to wake up for work, can’t wait to get off work, and they don’t even miss it when they quit or retire. I have yet to see any retired pilots expressing such sentiments. Its tough to beat the combination of challenge, fun, travel, lifestyle, income, etc, with any other career field that I can think of and being a pilot is more like a gift. With all this being a pilot would fulfills my life and the same time to show the world what is Malaysian Hospitality is all about.

First timer :p


Ok here it goes,

This will be my first time blogging. I love to write. Eventho I know Im not good at it. So be it. You wanna read, thank you but if you dont want, please leave without the need to say anything bad or whatsoever ok. Any comments towards me improving this blog is welcomed xD

Alot of people have been asking me to write. I delayed it because I was lazy[eh?] or simply I dont have the time to actually sit and write[lol?] but after some consideration I think now is actually the best time for me to start. Dont ask me why coz i dont know why haha.

So what am I going to start with? Life? Personal stuff? Emotions stuff? Eh, aku nk tulis, so sukati aku la nk tulis apa hahaha.

Yes yes I know, I will start first with an introduction about myself ok.

Name: Ahmad Afzal, people call me zal, bende, putra, qwe, dan banyak lagi so you can call me whatever you want as long as its… oh well you know
Age: Eh rahsia la haha
Gender: Duhhhh
From: TTDI, Kuala Lumpur
Currently: In Pengkalan Chepa
Interest: Aviation, Physics and Technology
Aviation School: Asia Pacific Flight Training
Status: Single ok hik hik hik
Sports: Football, badminton, climbing
Activities: Chess, reading, studying, facebooking, chatting, oh the list can go on and on
Likes: Ayam hahaha
Dislikes: Ohhh soo many things

My life is simple. I treat everybody equally, unless if you are special to me then I have to treat you special la kan. Makes sense la :p but to have you become special to me is not an easy thing to achieve so you have been warned :p