Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sad Sad Moment

Few hours ago, I had a bomb shell dropped upon me.

News that half of my batch is going to transfer to the Kuala Terengganu detachment is true. Captain RVK, the Flight Management Officer of APFT confirmed that we need to pack our bags, empty and clean our room then leave for Terengganu as early as Saturday 2nd of April! That’s 2 days away from today.

After a year and 3 months I’ve been living with all my friends here they have asked us to move away and until we finish our single engine there, we are not allowed to come back to Kota Bharu.

I wouldn’t mind moving away because everybody been saying that in Terengganu, flying progression is much more faster than here in KB but in 2 days? Cant you give us at least more time? Maybe a week or something? What’s the need to rush things? Its not like the weather here(and there) is soooo great that we should be able to fly straight away once we’re there.

I will no more have the luxury to eat heavenly as in Terengganu, all cadets are given allowances(sikit giler ok) per month and survive ourselves.

And today will be the last day for me to really enjoy my dinner, which I really enjoyed eating with half tears sliding down my cheek(emo giler… padahal air hujan tu hahaha). Why? The menus here are different for each day, at least once a week.

Can you see that many choices of Ayam???? :(
Along with fresh fresh vege :(
The end product. Ahhh I will surely truly miss my moment here. No more nasi ayam after this :((

Sad sad sad.