Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mobile Service

Ok here is the thing about Hotlink. Since 2 weeks ago they have been simply taking away my credit for fun without the need to say anything at first. I know la Im using your service but that doesn’t mean that you can simply take without any explanation.

So when I want to get me the explanation, they will not give me the chance to even login to check my e-statement. Why?

The only required fields to be entered is only the “login” and “password” and they keep telling me to please fill in all the required fields. Macam la banyak sangat ko punye fields kan. Dah la website buruk nk mampus macam amek pengemis mana merayu suruh buatkan so dapat la baya murah.

I don’t know how many times Ive asked to reset my password and they still keep insisting that I should fill in all the required fields. Kalau tak nk kasi aku check e-statement tu cakap je la. I understand that hotlink is getting poorer so you need to steal all you can from us customers, even RM0.10. If 10,000 customers? 100,000 customers? Tak ke banyak tuh? Tu baru sekupang kalau dokupang? enamkupang?

Whenever I reload this hotlink, suddenly out of nowhere my credit will be deducted by at least, I mean it, at least RM0.20 and the best part is, in the morning every time after waking up I will check the credit and tadaaaaa credit balance RM0.00 - RM0.05 no matter of how much I reload the day before.

And yeah, they provide us with their customer service number where you can call 24/7 ON LANDLINES thru 1300 bla bla bla. If I call them using our mobile they will charge me and the last time I called that number, they put me on hold for so long until almost RM7 gone wasted without even having me to start the conversation.

You just wait. Once Im at home with my landline available. Im going to call and screw you until you finish your recording tape. Sorry for the feller who will answer the call. Who asked you to work as the customer services knowing how s**t your company is giving away services.

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